Professional play: The social aspect of play

Broken down, the social aspect of play is such an important part of any play-related activity. This is true for both play, games, sports, and any other event who has some sort of “play” in it. Admittedly, play doesn’t have to be a social activity. You can play games (or freely) on your own. The social aspect however is still such a crucial part of most play, that it ought to be mentioned: It’s a reason (Or a push) to get out, meet people, and be social on your own preferred terms.

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Professional play: The physical aspect

The physical aspect of play is by far the most immediate aspect. When we play, be it a free-form of play or a more structured approach through games or sports, we use our body. Sometimes a lot, like when dancing, running, wrestling, or pretending to be dogs. Sometimes a little, like when playing chess or poker, where even the slightest movement of a facial muscle can be decoded into millions of meanings. The amount doesn’t necessarily matter. Physicality is seen and interpreted by everyone, and is easy to relate to.

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Professional play: Playfulness in a professional context

The magical circle is a little plane of existence that is both its own, and a part of our world. I like to call it the game world. Let’s use my daughter playing with her friends as an example. From my perspective there are two kids rolling around on the living room floor, eating the uncooked pasta my daughter just got from the kitchen. From their perspective they are two dogs, a big-sister dog and a little-sister dog, and they are eating dinner they found outside their doghouse.

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The first meeting: Sometimes in testing, knowing nothing is knowing everything

Last month I did a one-week project where I put an app through usability testing. The company that hired me was very careful not to tell me a lot about the app and their system, since they wanted me to see it for the first time. That was a very wise decision on their part. While I performed the first testing, and got to know the app, I was struck with the value of this very first meeting with the system.

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30 Days Of Mobile Testing: Share a mobile testing blog post

I don’t follow a lot of blogs. My digital method of obtaining test knowledge goes through Google, and through whatever articles my colleagues or connections share on social media. I don’t enjoy traversing through endless mails or RSS feeds with notifications of new blogs that I might find useful.. So I just don’t. So for this post, I had to go into the great Internet.

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30 Days Of Mobile Testing: Mobile security testing

I have no idea how to perform mobile security tests. Luckily, even though I have no idea, I am well traversed in the delicate art of Google, and thus the first result sent me to the OWASP Mobile security project. Not surprisingly, mobile security testing is a very large area, so I’ve decided to do a micro-security test run.

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30 Days Of Mobile Testing: Mobile proxy tools

So… until this day, I don’t think I ever thought about what a proxy tool actually is. I remember reading about using proxy tools for watching online television in other countries.. But that’s it. I never worked with proxy tools before, and I honestly have no idea what .

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30 Days Of Mobile Testing: My mobile test lab

Did the thought of a mobile test lab and the problems with updating it and running it ever keep you from doing mobile testing? Don’t be discouraged, there are still so many possibilities. I don’t own a place or work anywhere with access to a fancy and up-to-date mobile test lab. But that doesn’t mean that I can’t do a lot of testing!

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Kontakt Gheist

Kaffe? (Eller the)