I love the digital world <3
Most of all, I enjoy telling digital stories in image, video and sound.
The digital format gives such impressive possibilities.
Most popular blog posts
Nobody reads my test documentation
I see it as my duty to make test documentation. I’m a consultant, the only current tester on my project, and can leave (or be
13th September 2017
What is a test plan?
Lightning round: What is a test plan? What is it? A test plan describes a planned period of testing for a specific project. It can look
22nd March 2018
What is a test persona?
Lightning round: What is a test persona? What is it? A test persona is a fictional person that represents a system’s potential users. Also called
4th April 2018
Adventures in Digital media
I work with media in many ways. From designing and testing the user experience of an interface to managing and developing PHP websites.