What was tested
A website where users can buy a gift card for many different shops, ranging from restaurants, sports equipment, and events.
- 2 days + ½ day for reporting
- Men and women aged 20-30
- The website on both Windows and iOS
Test missions
Is it easy for the user to find the items or products they are looking for?
Are the categories meaningful?
Should an alternative approach to categories, sorting and filtering be used?
The results
The customer received several suggestions to how the many shops should be categorized on the site. I also gave further suggestions to categories and initiatives on the site that went beyond the traditional categorization of shop items.
How you can do it too
Card sorting
Write down the different shop items and shop categories on small notes, and let test participants sort the notes into what they thik is a fitting category.
1-on-1 interview
Observe the test participants while they go through the different shop categories, guide them, and ask questions that identifies the test participants thoughts.
Read more
Card sorting:
- On Usability.gov (old, tried and true): https://www.usability.gov/how-to-and-tools/methods/card-sorting.html
- Another great and in-depth guide: http://boxesandarrows.com/card-sorting-a-definitive-guide/
The art of interviewing:
- https://www.nngroup.com/articles/interviewing-users/Nielsen Norman Group:
- Another lovely guide: https://www.interaction-design.org/literature/article/how-to-conduct-user-interviews